I create simplicity...

communication, collaboration, efficiency

Contact Portfolio

small company or large, my business is to help your business


My experience as a business owner/operator, IT consultant, workflow engineer, machinist, printer and handyman enables me to develop paths of communication with anyone in your business, from factory floor to boardroom.


Speaking the same language as the board members, the factory workers and everyone in between allows me to collaborate ideas about your business. Turning those ideas into strategies for improvement. Staff input equals staff co-operation.

Business Consultant

Making money in a modern day company can be summed up in just one word, EFFICIENCY! Without it, all you have is turnover and maybe some profit.
I bring outside square ideas to boost efficiency and help improve your bottom line.


(Click images to view stories)

About Me

My name is Dennis Wiffrie, I was born in 1968 into a family of printing engineers.
Little wonder I began my working life in the printing industry! I began in 1984 as an apprentice and at this time typesetting had just changed from lead type to computers. Typesetters were struggling with the new technology but I took to it like a duck to water. At trade school the teachers were also struggling and as a 16 year old 1st year apprentice I started to train other students on how to use the system at the college. And so began my journey of learning and teaching.
My hobbies are motor racing spectator, water skiing, camping, caravaning and building and renovation. Business is important to me but so is family time. Helping people make their businesses more efficient, giving them more time to spend with their family is something I strive for.

Why Hire Me

Why Hire Me

  • Experience

    I qualified as a Compositor at just 19 years old in 1988. I ran a successful Postscript Bureau from 1988 to 2003. In 2003 I was asked to troubleshoot the workflow in a large wide format printing company. They produced real estate boards as well as other promotional material and a lot of custom paper for laminate production. Later that year part of the company was sold and I was asked to come and assist in the management of a new downsized version of the old company. Then in 2006 I ran the special projects department in a large (100+ staff) sheet-fed printing company. The last project the directors required of me was quite complex and involved workflow automation. The software company we purchased the software from asked me to join them when the project was completed. I did workflow automation for about a year and a half before the GFC in 2008 halted virtually all investment in new technology in Australia. Finding IT work was difficult so I drove interstate trucks for about a year before landing a job in a small IT company based in Kew. They wanted someone with both Mac and PC and Server skills and given these are required to do IT in a printing company, I was exactly what they wanted. I helped grow the business both in doing the actual IT work and making changes to how the business was run. Putting a system in place to ensure all billable hours were recorded, improving profitability immensely. Two hours travel per day got the best of me and when a good friend asked me to start a real estate board company with him 10 minutes from home, I jumped at the chance. Between 2013 and 2016 my friend and I built a successful business and when I felt my work was done I decided I needed a well earned break. After working virtually non-stop for 32 years I thought it was time. So now fresh from a break I come back to the workforce eager for the next challenge!

  • Reliability

    The most important thing to me is happy clients. The one thing clients want more than anything else is for their consultant to arrive on the day they were booked and on time. This is what I do, and why my clients are happy.

  • Integrity

    Say what you are going to do, and then do what you said.
    That's integrity, and the motto I live by.


Contact Me

Dennis Wiffrie - Outside Square Business Solutions - Ph: 0417 565 531
Email: dennis@wiffrie.com

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