Automated Digital Workflow

Unlike anything before . . .

2007 bought massive changes in technology. A server room re-fit kicked off the year with a Hitachi Fibre Channel SAN storage array, dual fail-over fibre channel switches and dual HP servers. All tied together with VMWare vCentre Server, this system was the ultimate in fail-over protection. For example, being able to move your mail server from one Server to another, while it was actually running, was fantastic. Up time was as close to 100% as you could get. The dust had barely settled when I began the Automated Digital Workflow project. This system was designed to pre-flight PDF's and pick up any potential problems prior to printing, but I took it a lot further by creating workflows that produced completed, colour corrected and imposed print sheets without any operator involvement. Pre-Press staff would work on any page of the magazine they liked and once it was approved it was dropped in the hot folder. The system held all the pages until the last one was submitted, and then would produce the imposed sheets and print out digital proofs. I dove-tailed the new system into the (dated) old front end. This gave the client an enormous boost in productivity with the only expenditure being the new system. Although the old front end should have been updated, it was not required, saving the company just under $100,000.

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Dennis Wiffrie - Outside Square Business Solutions - Ph: 0417 565 531

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